Working Time
  • Timing for address 1 ( Regency Hospital) 10 am to 4 pm ( Monday to Saturday)

  • Timing for address 2 Madhav Hospital) 06 pm to 7:30 pm ( Monday to Friday)
Contact Info

Early Detection of Cancer:

According to GLOBACON 2018 report, in India 132 patients were diagnosed to have cancer daily.

One should understand that

1 out of 3 cancers is preventable
1 out of 3 cancers is treatable if detected early.

It is very important to have adequate knowledge about early signs and symptoms of cancer.

Top 10 cancers in India:

  1. Breast
  2. Oral
  3. Cervix
  4. Lung
  5. Stomach
  6. Colorectal
  7. Esophagus
  8. Leukemia
  9. Ovary
  10. Larynx

Breast cancer:

Risk factors:

  1. Family history of breast cancer( Parent, sibling and child)
  2. Females with history of breast disease
  3. Never giving birth to child or those who gave first birth after the age 35 years
  4. Females who had first menstruation before 11 years of age
  5. Late menopause( stopping periods) after 55 years of age
  6. Obesity or increased weight gain following menopause
  7. Prolonged exposure to hormone containing pills.
  8. Radiation exposure to breast or chest at younger age

Signs and symptoms:

  1. New lump in the breast or underarm
  2. Thickening or swelling of part of the breast
  3. Irritation or dimpling of breast skin
  4. Redness or flaky skin in the nipple area or the breast
  5. Pulling in the nipple or pain the nipple area
  6. Nipple discharge other than breast milk
  7. Any change in size or shape of the breast
  8. Pain in the breast

Oral cancer:

High risk people:

  1. Tobacco and betalnut/ arecanut consumption.

  2. All forms of tobacco including cigarettes, beedi, pipes, cigars and chewing tobacco.
  3. Alcohol consumption.
  4. Sharp teeth or ill fitting dentures.
  5. Human papilloma virus (HPV) infection.
  6. Weak immune system (due to disease or drugs).
  7. Exposure to excessive sun UV rays.
  8. Lack of fruits and vegetables in diet.

Precursor lesion of oral cancer:

Each and every person should encourage doing oral self examination.

Oral precursor lesions are the conditions which are present before formation of oral cancer.

  1. Leukoplakia- Persistent white patches or plaques
  2. Erythroplakia- Persistent red patches / plaques
  3. Oral submucous fibrosis- Blanched oral mucosa with band formation, difficulty in opening mouth and burning sensation of mouth.
  4. Oral lichen planus – Marble appearance of oral mucosa.

If one person finds out any of above features they should consult doctor immediately.
Cervix cancer:

Risk factors:

  1. Human papilloma virus infection (HPV)
  2. Engaging in sexual intercourse at an early stage
  3. A women or her partner having multiple sexual partners
  4. Smoker or passive smoking
  5. Immunosuppression ( Due to disease or drugs)
  6. Previous history of recurrent sexually transmitted disease
  7. Giving birth to many children

Signs and symptoms:

Preinvasive cancer usually doesnot show any symptom. Symptoms starts only after it becomes invasive cancer. Symptoms of invasive cervix cancer are

  1. Heavier and longer menstrual cycle
  2. Bleeding per vagina following sexual intercourse
  3. Blood stained or foul smelling vaginal discharge
  4. Abnormal vaginal bleeding
  5. Postmenopausal bleeding per vagina
  6. Unusual or excessive vaginal discharge

Lung cancer:

  1. Persistent cough that get worse in spite usual treatment
  2. Cough with blood in sputum
  3. Change of color or volume of sputum
  4. Difficulty in breathing
  5. Unexplained fever
  6. Lump in neck or axilla
  7. Loss of appetite and loss of weight
  8. Extreme feeling of tiredness
  9. Pain in back or chest

Stomach cancer:

  1. Difficulty in swallowing
  2. Feeling bloated or full after eating small amount of food
  3. Pain in upper abdomen
  4. Loss of appetite and loss of weight
  5. Passing black colour stools
  6. Unexplained persistent nausea
  7. Persistent vomiting with or without blood
  8. Anemia
  9. Abdominal distention

Colorectal cancer:

  1. Blood in stools
  2. Change in consistency of stools (long, thin pencil stools)
  3. Alternating constipation and loose stools
  4. Bleeding per rectum
  5. Feeling of not being able to empty the bowel completely
  6. Abdominal pain
  7. Unexplained fatigue
  8. Loss of appetite and loss of weight loss

Esophagus cancer:

  1. Difficulty in swallowing food more than three weeks
  2. Pain during swallowing for more than three weeks
  3. Tightness or pain in chest
  4. Vomiting
  5. Unexplained weight loss


  1. Looking very pale
  2. Feeling very tiered
  3. Unexplained and recurrent fever for long time
  4. Nodal swelling anywhere in the body
  5. Bleeding
  6. Recurrent infections
  7. Unexplained loss of weight
  8. Easy bruising over skin

Ovarian cancer:

 Usually ovarian cancer will not show any symptoms till it becomes advanced stage.


  1. Indigestion
  2. Abdominal discomfort
  3. Abdominal pain
  4. Fullness of stomach after taking small amount of food
  5. Abdominal distention
  6. Change in bowel and bladder habits.

Larynx cancer:


  1. Change in voice or hoarseness of voice for more than three weeks.
  2. Persistent Cough for more than three weeks
  3. Continuous  throat pain
  4. Difficulty in swallowing
  5. Lump in neck
  6. Difficulty in breathing

Uterus cancer:

  1. Bleeding per vagina
  2. Postmenopausal bleeding per vagina
  3. Abdominal  distention
  4. Lower abdominal pain
  5. Change in bowel and bladder habits

Thyroid cancer:

  1. Thyroid swelling
  2. Lump in throat
  3. Hoarseness of voice
  4. Pain in throat
  5. Difficulty in swallowing
  6. Difficulty in breathing

Kidney cancer:

  1. Blood in urine
  2. Low back pain
  3. Abdominal pain
  4. Increased blood pressure
  5. Fatigue
  6. Night sweats
  7. Unexplained weight loss
  8. Unexplained persistent fever
  9. Bone pain

Bladder cancer:

  1. Passing blood in urine
  2. Pain while passing urine
  3. Increased frequency of urination
  4. Feeling of not emptying bladder completely
  5. Back pain

Prostate cancer:

  1. Difficulty in passing urine
  2. Passing thin stream of urine
  3. Incomplete emptying of bladder
  4. Increased urination
  5. Increased frequency of urine in night time
  6. Passing blood in urine


  1. Lymph node enlargement in body
  2. Unexplained prolonged fever
  3. Itching, patches over skin
  4. Recurrent infection
  5. Night sweats
  6. Fatigue
  7. Unexplained loss of weight

Brain cancer:

  1. Persistent head ache
  2. Seizures
  3. Intractable vomiting
  4. Weakness of limbs
  5. Blurred vision

Skin cancer:

  1. Sudden change or growth of scars or moles
  2. Persistent ulcer in skin