
Dr. Jitin Yadav

Senior Consultant, Surgical Oncologist

Dr Jitin Yadav is associated with the Regency Hospital as a Senior Consultant Surgical Oncologist. He has rich experience in the speciality of surgical oncology and has performed all types of complex surgeries related to cancers.

  • He is the first cancer surgeon to introduce breast oncoplasty for breast cancer in Kanpur City
  • Consultant Surgical Oncologist at Mittal Hospital & Research Centre, Ajmer
  • Senior Resident (Surgical Oncology) at VMMC & Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi
  • Received travel grant from the European Society of Surgical Oncology (ESSO) to attend and present a poster at 38th congress of ESSO at Budapest, Hungary in 2018
  • Successfully completed International Visiting Scholar (IVS) training program at Asan Medical Center, Seoul, South Korea in 2019
  • Received the prize for best poster in cancer conference 2019 at Tata Memorial Centre, Kolkata

Know About Cancer

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Patient Information

1. What is Cancer?

Cancer is a common name for a group of diseases characterised by uncontrolled proliferation of abnormal cells. Cell division is the mainstay of human life. Human body is made up of several organs like brain, lung, liver, stomach etc. and each organ is made up of cells. Organs and tissues are constituted by cells characteristic of that organ. Cells divide for growth of an organ, for repairing tissue damage and to maintain functions of the organ.

The exact mechanism of transformation of normal cells to become cancerous is still not known. However, several factors are known to produce cancer-like tobacco in the form of smoking and chewing, alchohol, radiation, asbestos, certain chemicals, excessive fat consumption, viruses etc.

Cancer affects different body organs due to a variety of factors and in India there are variations in the occurence and pattern of cancer. However, in our men, the majority of all cancers are found in mouth and throat, lung, stomach, gullet etc. and in women, they are found in large numbers in uterus[cervix], breast, mouth and throat.

Certain cancers are seen to occur in families. This does not mean that the disease has been transmitted from parent to children through genetic material. The same life style usually run in families and this could as well be the reason.Scientists believe that if there is a hereditary component, its effect is indeed very little.

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